White Lake HOTD - Practice

I don’t even know where to start with this one. Practice? It was kind of practice but mostly just trying to accomplish anything in the wind. It was going to be a challenge but the big hope was to at least find a few zones that had some fish in them. Even in the wind we could accomplish this however finding the good specific stuff was going to be a challenge.

As it turns out getting bites was going to be a challenge too. We even brought my buddy Drew out of retirement for this one. A decision he was surely regretting by the end of the day. I think I made it 3 hours without a single bite. We were mostly focusing on just covering water with it being morning and also really windy. It should have them biting and I kept the Ultrex moving hoping to get in some fishy areas. There was nothing fishy happening around my boat.

We found some really good stuff throughout the day but they just weren’t in it. At some point it should play this summer though and since there are 2 White Lake events in August, I will keep it in mind. The afternoon was much more productive although totally random. We did have some good bites including a really big one but once again random was the name of the game.

By the end of the day the only confidence we had was that we could catch some fish if we just kept the trolling motor down and fished what was in front of us. Those random bites were going to be critical to our success. We also knew that we would get a bad takeoff number since we weren’t in the early draw. That was fine since we had no where that we really wanted to be anyway. I actually don’t mind a bad boat number at White as it often helps me to get in a good rotation. We did have a decent weight in practice despite the randomness and I felt pretty good that we could get it all figured out during the event. We did have the option of running South for the event (that we all found out about 3 days before the event) but we were going to stay on White and see what we could do there.


White Lake HOTD - Tournament 2024


Summer is Flying By