
My last ice fishing trip up north certainly didn't go as planned and I'm not even going to get into any details on that. I'm still waiting to grab my bass boat from storage until I sell my truck. My 10 and a half year run with my Ram is over. It was a great truck for me and the first big thing I ever purchased brand new. Time to get it on down the road and out of my driveway though!

I have been out once for a perch/bass combo trip. I'd really like to get back out perching again with Mabel but this weather just won't give up. It doesn't need to be 70 and sunny for us to go on a boat trip but I'm certainly not taking her in the snow. I've gotten a little pier time in also but there really haven't been many nice enough days for casting out there.

I'd love to say I'm using this time to at least have my bass gear organized. But I haven't, It's all packed away in disarray because we were really hoping to have found a different house by now. If I've learned anything in life it's that you just can't rush these things and they work out when they are supposed to. It's hard to remain patient but that's the best plan we have. We've also got the incoming little one so I've been trying to enjoy these last few weeks we have as a family of 4 before the chaos begins again.

We also had a successful outing at the Grand Rapids show with Humminbird and Minn Kota. Lots of interest in MEGA Live! I’ve also been thinking about reviving my YouTube Channel a bit. Just with some short unedited stuff because I’ll be honest I don’t have the time, skills, or patience to edit files. But keep an eye out for some YouTube shorts this year.


New Gear


Ice Fishing Wrap Up