Unsalted Outfitters Round 3

Lucky us! We’ve been invited to fish on the Unsalted for another trip this year with Captain Scott! We are going to gamble on the May king bite again. Last year was uncharacteristically tough for kings in May all up in down the lakeshore. But previous years had been lights out so we are going to give it a shot again. It’s always fun to get a mixed bag so I’ll be hoping for lakers, steelhead, and cohos too. I wouldn’t mind a brown either but that is sort of like catching a unicorn in Lake Michigan.

Lake Michigan has been nothing but rough and cold up to this point so hopefully it will be getting that all out of its system before our trip. Stay tuned for an update after our trip in about a month and if you are looking for a Lake Michigan be sure to check out the Unsalted out of Holland. (https://unsaltedoutfitters.com/ or 616-836-8063)


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