Rolling into Year 3
When Todd started his journey into the world of insurance. He was told the first 3 years were going to be a challenge. There’s a lot of things going against you as a young agent. Everyone is going to question your longevity and for good reason. I don’t think anyone really wants to be constantly shopping insurance or switching agents. The reality is a lot of new agents don’t make it because it is hard for people to take a chance on them.
But through a lot of hard work and putting himself out there he has built his business up. Honestly a lot of it is how he writes his policies. Making sure people are properly insured is number 1. One thing he sees quite frequently is people who are paying for insurance but aren’t properly covered or even covered at all. Simply because some agents will write policies only to come in at the cheapest price and get business that way.
.My personal experience was that I got better coverage with about 800 dollars a year of savings. That was a big deal for us as I’m sure it would be for pretty much everyone. Well worth the little bit of work it takes to get a quote. He also showed us some holes we had in our coverage and he sees that a lot. So it really was a win win for us. If you are reading this you are also probably into the outdoors and it always nice to have that in common with someone. If you are into football he is really into coaching that too. Both in High School for Hartland but also some other leagues local to there.
He just moved into a new office in Brighton and even though that is local to the east side of the state. He can write policies anywhere in Michigan for business, life, auto, and home. So if you are in the market or just haven’t revisited your policies in a few years, it would be well worth your time to check him out. I’ll include his website and contact information below!
Todd Elliott Farm Bureau Agent
Cell: 734-417-4450