Lake Leelanau Big Stack

While making the drive from the peninsula I had major worries of a fog delay. Until a few miles from Lake Leelanau it was pea soup fog the entire drive. I got there early and got my boat just so all the logistics were taken care of and I could focus on fishing. We had to use multiple ramps for the event and while that’s a pain it does allow us to go to different fisheries which is great!

My plan was simple get to my biggest fish first, catch it, make 10-15 casts in the weed bed they were slurping mayflies, then hit 3 more good ones which were close by. I had no problems getting to my fish first and since it was windy and low light I drifted over the bed first to see where it was and look for the fish. The flogger confirmed he was there and I got my boat in position. As I was getting my boat in position he slurped a mayfly and I made one pitch in there and got him. People were still running from blast off and I already had one I needed! One thing I’d never seen before was bed fish actively eating. I’d seen several come off the bed and eat mayflies during practice. I made a short run to the weedbed next hoping for a hero moment. If I could get 2 good ones here my day would be much easier.

I wasn’t seeing any activity so I opted to wind a hair jig vs throw a topwater. About the 10th cast one loaded up on and I thought the gamble paid off. Well until it revealed itself as a pike. I made a couple more casts and wasn’t feeling it anymore. Onto the next fish which was a 3.65. However another boat pulled in on him about 45 seconds before I got there. The gamble really hosed me here as I really needed that fish!

I continued north to the next one and confirmed he was there. I had to drop a buoy and get way away to catch this one. It took more time than I’d have liked but I got him. The next fish was just a short run away and that fish was the same story. I had 3 fish I really wanted and knew I needed to check out that 3.65 before I left the area. There were multiple beds in that area so there was always the chance that boat was there for a different fish. Despite a couple checks throughout the day that didn’t seem to be the case. I did catch a random 2 1/4 pounder on a vixen while looking for the bed to at least give me 4 fish. However that fish would screw me over because on my way to the next 3.6 another boat beat my by 45 seconds. That was crushing! If I don’t stop on those mayfly fish, I likely get both those 3.6s but one of them for sure.

I went to check on another couple over 3 in the area, one was gone and the other would just swim big circles. I got to see the one I wanted get caught so at least I didn’t have to check it later. It didn’t matter how far away I got that fish would not sit and I could not get it to bite doing anything else. There was one little patch of weeds that sometimes it would act interested if a bait was in there while it was doing circles but it would never commit. I finally had to say that if someone comes in here and gets this one they’ve earned it. I hoped he would stay weird all morning but then start guarding later in the day. I would be back!

From there I had a couple fish to check that were in the area but were super weird the day before. I never caught them so I don’t know what they weighed but they looked like fish that were over 3. I was at the point of just catching fish over 3 pounds now. However most checks revealed gone, gone, and gone! I did have one sort of sneaky one that was just at 3 pounds but I would take him if he was there. Fortunately he was and despite losing him twice I finally got him. That fish really hated a tube in his bed more than anything else. He had a new friend nearby and I picked that one too. So now I had 3 good ones and a 2.62/2.93 that both needed to go. I found more fish that were just gone, swimming in others livewells. I did find one that really looked like it would be over 3 but after catching it didn’t help by much.

I needed the one I couldn’t catch earlier in a bad way. It would give me over half a pound if I could get it. I raced over there and got in position way far away. It looked like there was maybe something dark in the bed but I was so far away I really couldn’t see what was going on. After a few minutes I did see him out of the bed roaming but it was at least a good confirmation he was still there. I was just going to fish for awhile from way far back before I even attempted to get close enough to see a little of what was going on. I had done almost all my bed fishing for the week with baitcasting tackle and decided to switch it up and throw a ned rig for the very first time. A few casts in and he bit! I never hooked up but it gave me the confidence I would get him. It was either the next cast or the one after and he bit again. He was a long way from the boat and in shallow water, I really needed to not lose a fish that had been acting that weird. Major relief when he got into the net!

I figured at this point there was a small but unlikely chance I’d get paid. But if I could get rid of that 2.93 for one more fish over 3 my chances would improve greatly. The problem was I didn’t have anything else to check that was still there. I hadn’t spent anytime fishing there during practice but if it got to this point, my plan was to lock a big bait in my hand and cover water. I had quite a bit of time left and it was time to get after it. There was almost a moment of greatness as a 3.5 pounder came up on my choppo twice on the same cast. I kept rotating between the choppo and a vixen but that would be the only activity I would have.

Just as I suspected I was going to fall just short. The weights were tight and I fell on the wrong end of them with 16.96. Either one of those 3.6s would have made such a huge difference for me or that fish that came up on my choppo. While it was frustrating to be so close, I also felt like I fished pretty well. I didn’t find enough in practice and I made one gamble that didn’t pay off. I can live with that but I also know I’ll need more practice days for a bed fishing tournament against this crew in the future. I was really impressed with just how many bags over 15 pounds came in. I’ll be feeling the pressure but looking forward to the Muskegon tournament in August.


Humminbird Update


Lake Leelanau Big Stack - Practice