Here We Go!

Let’s get this party started! Strangely I didn’t fish a tournament on opening weekend this year as we went up north for the weekend. I had the choice to fish down here or go up north and fish. It wasn’t that hard of a decision but I did miss fishing the West Michigan Bass Tom Cook Memorial event. I left my boat at Brent’s house and am heading back up tomorrow to practice for the D&R Grand Traverse Bay event. It is going to be interesting to see what happens with that because we have some MAJOR winds forecasted for the day of the event.


One thing that is going to be different this year is I’ll have a new partner for D&R. Shaun couldn’t make it so Trevor is fishing with me this year. Luckily we have a lot of time in the boat together from fishing Monday nights, fun fishing, and duck hunting. It will be an easy transition and I think he’s really going to like the bay. It is without question one of my favorite places to fish. I’m hoping to lean into some ciscoes and trout in practice too!

From there the inaugural BIG STACK PAYBACK on Black Lake. I have no clue what to expect there except I’m going to guess it will be post spawn and there will be a lot of weird stuff going on. I’m sure there are mayfly hatches and everything up there too. I’ve never dealt with one of those but regardless it is going to be interesting. Hopefully I can get into a rhythm the next couple events and come out with some high finishes. Neither event is setting up like a fastball coming right down the middle for me. I’m certainly going to have a pack a variety of stuff for both events and probably try it all too. Check back in for the tournament reports soon!


Blow Day


SPI High School - Muskegon Lake