X-600 Adventures

Probably the biggest surprise of this amazing ice season. Is just how much fun has been had in the Clam X-600. I’ll be honest with you that initially, I was intimidated by the size of this shanty and didn’t think it would see much ice time. But I was very wrong and it has seen a lot more ice time than backyard party time.

Even though it is huge, I’ve found it no trickier to set up than any smaller hub shanty. You just have to put a little extra thought into things if the wind is really ripping. Zip a few ice anchors down and you are good to go. The shanty heats up incredibly well too. I thought I would have to bring the big Clam heater for it but the middle size Clam CH-10000vh has been keeping it toasty in there. The electronic ignition and variable heat have been really nice features this year.

When it is time to go the take down isn’t intimidating either. The bag is large enough that I’ve never had an issue fitting it back in there. It does help to have an extra person to help with the bagging up. Setup and take down is just a couple minutes. It takes longer to get all the gear inside. Then once it is all ready to go there is lots of space for chairs, tables, equipment, and 5 of us. If you are with a larger group or a family it really is a palace on the ice.

It has been a treat to get to fish with the entire crew this year. The older girls are developing their skills with interpreting the Humminbird and methods to get fish to bite. It can be frustrating at times watching the things they miss or their inefficiency. But it is rewarding seeing them doing it all on their own and it is the only way they will learn. They definitely have a different pace of things than I am used to. But the other day when I took just the 2 older ones on their first ice adventure with the quad. They were in the X-600 with coats off, snacking, catching a few fish and kept saying things like “this is so relaxing” and “I’m just so happy right now”. That makes the slower pace worth it.

They are also troopers with the cold and I don’t think will ever waste their winters away like so many people do. They’ve been skiing, sledding, fishing, skating, and enjoying the coziness of being inside at times. There’s no reason to not embrace every season that Michigan has to offer.


Snow Globe Trip


Ice Update 2025