We Got a New Net

Well after the girls let my net slide away into White Lake I finally had the excuse I needed to get a new net. The choice was obvious for me as Clam Outdoors has a line of nets. I did however have to make a choice of which Fortis net I wanted. There are a bunch of choices that will cover anything from salmon to panfish. There are 2 versions to look at if you are a bass guy the Fortis TD 195 and the Fortis 160. The big difference is the TD is teardrop shaped (which I prefer) vs the round 160. The Fortis 195 is also a pretty good sized net so I’ll be able to use it for other larger species too. I chose to get the handle that extends to 63.5 inches so I have plenty of reach.

Other nice features on this net how easily it collapses for storage and how easily the handle extends. I could see the build in fish ruler coming in handy if I ever wanted a length on something large and weird I caught. Also it is made from military grade anodized aluminum and is coated polyester netting to protect the fish and keep treble hooks from getting tangled,

The big question with a new net is if it is fishy or not? I’ve wanted to replace the net I had for awhile but it has scooped up a bunch of fish. Sometimes it is hard to make changes like that because that net didn’t have any bad fishing spells on it or anything. It didn’t take long for the new net to get broken in on a Monday night tournament. 15.94 pounds of bass was a good start for it including a 4.69. That was only good enough for 3rd place and we missed out on big fish by .03 so there is still room for improvement. That just fueled my fire for the last 2 White Lake events even more.


Muskegon Pro/AM - Part 1


Some Time Off