Fishing Fridays?

I feel like we finally turned a corner. For the last 6ish years we’ve had a monster under 2 at home. Well finally the last one turned 2. While we’ve always still managed to do a lot of stuff as a family. Some activities are more challenging than others especially outdoors. Or it might be some sort of activity where one parent is stuck at home due to nap time while the other is out taking the other 2 girls on an adventure.

This was a big adventure, dinner on the boat, bluegills, and fun. Amanda made everyone a fancy snack tray for dinner (which Millie promptly threw some worm dirt in) and we headed to the lake immediately post daycare/school pickup. It was nice out but the wind was ripping pretty good. It was going to make casting a little more difficult but with Minn Kota Talons we could position the boat to make it easier. I’m always trying to use the environmental conditions to my advantage and today was no exception. The wind was funneling into the perfect area. It was madness from the moment we dropped the Talons.

The livewells were opened up and the girls were filling them up. Amanda got in on the action too and Millie got assisted with her “first fish”. It was fun for everyone even though Millie still needs to be watched pretty closely. It won’t be long and she’ll be an expert at being in the boat and catching fish too. The girls also don’t usually get a chance to do this kind of stuff with Amanda either and neither do I anymore. We all really enjoyed getting a chance to do that. The fishing was fantastic for big bluegills, a few dirty crappies, and a couple bass.

June was “casting” with the bobber rig right next to the boat. When all of a sudden she was struggling with something that ended up being about a 3 pound bass. It was some excitement for a minute but unfortunately with so little line out the fish ended up pulling the hook.

For the bluegill rigs we keep it pretty simple. Instead of a hook and split shot I always use Clam Outdoors Ice jigs instead. I think it adds some extra attraction and I also don’t have to add any weight. It works great anytime I’m targeting bluegills with bobbers. I had my work cut out for me at home with 60 some fish in the livewell. Amanda had to get Millie to bed but I had some helpers. Mabel fully embraced the old school Townsend fish skinner and we made quick work of those fish. It was pretty cool to have her help out with the whole process willingly and happy about it. I didn’t think she could get through them all but she rocked it and we are ready to fry some fish.

Hopefully we can make fishing Fridays a trending thing throughout the year. It will be tougher with tournaments starting and being on Saturdays. But I feel like this year will have the most boat/fishing time yet.


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