Family Trip

Finally the little ones are at an age where we can all go fishing. June is getting old enough where she can hold her own in the boat and Mabel is like a seasoned veteran. Plus it’s nice for Amanda and I to get out on the boat together again. It is one of the most exciting things for me to get the whole crew out and see how the girls adapt to things.

June hasn’t really been on the boat much before so it would be interesting to see how she reacted now that she was walking and talking. We prepped with lots of snacks and truly had the perfect weather for a trip like this. The plan was to do some perching in an area that was really great a couple weeks before. I was really hoping they were there because searching for fish wasn’t going to be much of an option with limited time and the focus on having fun. One thing we’ve learned rather quickly is the girls aren’t quite ready to be running around on plane. It was a pleasant day to be going slow anyway.

The fish certainly weren’t there like they had been before but it didn’t take long for Mabel to go to work on them. She’s getting to the point now where she knows she has a fish on and knows when to reel. It was really cool to see her detecting her own bites with a perch rig. I’m thinking watching some bobbers drop in the near future will be a lot of fun with her. Her dislike for small fish at a young age is comical and she only wants to catch the big ones. June got in on the action too with Amanda helping her hold the rod. It was team serious over there as June did not like to have the rod taken away from her.

We all caught some fish and while it wasn’t what I had hoped it was nice to not have too many fish to clean. I’m definitely looking forward to getting out with the crew some more this summer. If anything this trip was proof we can make an after daycare trip work really well.


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